

Design has never been about one individual—nor should it be. But who am I to say what Design is and what it isn’t, I am only one individual. In this case this manifesto is only a statement of what I have found to be true to me. I know what I believe will not change what the truth is, nor do I know of any one person who holds all the answers. To this end I invite you in a pursuit in which we will seek further understanding about what design is and what it means to us.

How is what we design effected by how we are designed? Is that not essentially what we are trying to figure out? Discovering who we are and how we are made to engage each other and everything around us. I believe we seek one central goal through design and that is the continuous pursual of honest relationships. Design holds a great responsibility in the messages we share, and how we go about communicating them. Through this we must understand who we are and who we are intended to be. So once again join me in the pursuit of honest design and development of life. Examining nature around us as well as our very being to further understand how design works.

For more thoughts and opinions check out my blog!